Easy Ways to Score Maximum Marks in Biology


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Points to Remember:


Most students find biology an easy subject and neglect it. As a result, they struggle to study or revise it properly at the last moment and fail to score good marks.

Less Practice:

Try giving as many exams as possible. It will keep you in touch with the subject, which is very versatile.


Many questions are often repeated in NEET. So, cover all topics as well as questions from previous years’ papers.

Focus on Topics, Not Just Questions: 

Prioritize understanding important topics over memorizing questions. This will improve your knowledge and scores.

Don’t Skip Small Chapters: 

These are easier and can fetch guaranteed marks.

How to Score Maximum Marks:

Revise in the Last Month: 

Focus on revising biology as much as you can during the last month before the exam.

Don’t Miss Key Topics: 

Pay special attention to examples from animal and plant kingdoms, year-based questions, ecology, genetics, and biotechnology chapters, as they are frequently asked.

Learn from Mistakes: 

Analyze your mistakes in tests and find efficient ways to correct them.

Focus on Assertion-Reason Questions: 

These are easy to score.

Avoid Guesswork: 

Use the elimination method while attempting questions. It will improve your chances of being correct.

Stick to NCERT: 

Don’t read from other study materials or attempt questions outside NCERT. Not a single question in NEET comes from outside NCERT.

Read Questions Carefully: 

In biology, questions are often twisted, but their answers lie within the question itself. Look out for keywords like “not true,” “incorrect,” “except,” or “not false,” which students often neglect.

My Biology Journey:

In my first mock test, I scored roughly 270 marks. Later, I analyzed my mistakes, covered important topics again, and stuck to NCERT. In no time, I improved my score to over 300.

Divyanshu sonkulwar, GMC nanded

593, AIR 24275, SML 1551

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