Everyone knows how much competition has increased over the last few years. While everyone is working hard, to beat the competition, we need to work smart.
Today, we will discuss how to manage time in the exam hall.
If you manage your time well in the exam hall, you can easily gain an additional 30 marks with some smart hacks.
Hello, my name is Vaibhav Nirgude, and I’m a 3rd-year MBBS student at GMC Nagpur. In 2022, I scored 606 marks with an AIR of 18,000. However, I could have scored even better—around 635 marks—if I had solved the question paper more smartly.
In this blog, I’ll share my experience to show you how you can smartly increase your score by at least 30 marks.
Smart Time Management in the Exam Hall
Start solving the subject that you find easiest first. For me, Biology was the easiest, so I started with it, followed by Chemistry, and then Physics.
I divided my approach into 3 rounds:
1. First Round:
Solve questions that take less than 30 seconds.
2. Second Round:
Focus on questions that take 30 seconds to 1 minute. Mark these questions during the first round and solve them towards the end of the allotted time for that subject. For example, if you’ve allocated 1 hour for Chemistry, save at least 5 to 10 minutes for the second round.
3. Third Round:
Use the last 20 minutes of the exam to solve the most time-consuming questions across all three subjects (questions taking more than 1 minute).
My Time Division strategy:
You get 3 hours and 20 minutes for the NEET exam. Here’s how I managed my time:
No matter how difficult the Biology paper was, I completed it within 50 minutes. I spent 45 minutes on the first round and the remaining 5 minutes on the second round. I applied the same strategy to Chemistry and Physics. This method improves your efficiency without causing stress.
Why you get stressed during exam?
Stress usually builds up when you feel stuck on a question. You think, “I know this question; if I spend a little more time, I’ll remember it.” But sometimes you do, and sometimes you don’t.
The extra time spent on such questions often reduces the time available for other questions, causing stress and spoiling your overall performance.
The solution:
If a question takes too much time, leave it and move on to the next round. This approach alone can help you gain at least 15 marks.
By following this time management strategy, you can enhance your efficiency and confidence in the exam hall.
Stay tuned for remaining 15 marks and more tips to boost your NEET score..!
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